Touching Ice
My upcoming exhibition, Touching Ice will showcase work completed since returning from Antarctica as Artist in Residence for The Friends of The Scott Polar Research Institute. The name of the exhibition is inspired by a favourite quote,
“Antarctica’s overwhelming beauty touches one so deeply that it is like a wound”
Works to be shown include the Death of a Landscape series, which approaches coastal scenes of the Antarctic peninsula as if they were lives coming to an end and explores the cyclical nature of creation and destruction - of accumulation and loss - in the context of reincarnation. The transience and fragility of what on the surface, seems such an overwhelming and intimidatingly powerful landscape, fascinates me. Other works such as Grit and A Literary Feast delve into the drama, determination and sacrifice of the heroic Age of exploration and others play with some surprising secrets revealed through scientific discovery. The show runs until the 5th July and I will be around throughout - it would be a pleasure to meet you to answer questions and discuss the work if you can make it down.