Wild on the Inside

As someone whose main artistic interest is the natural environment it might seem odd to live in a city. But, I love living in London. I’ve been here now for over twenty years and having been born in the southwest and raised in the northeast, with a husband whose family is dotted about the globe, it’s where I feel a common ground and most at home.

But, only when I know I’m free to leave whenever I like.

Under lockdown the idea of being stuck here indefinitely began to sting a little and the circular dog walk around our local Common was becoming a tad tedious, so I was pretty chuffed when I came across an online exhibition by The Wilderness Art Collective, called Wilderness for the Mind. It provided some much-needed mental escapism and the lovely thing is, because it’s online, you can go back and enjoy it whenever you like.


Shadow and Dust


Eyes on the Horizon